This is a real conversation which happened online between two people who had never met, but who had both invested in the same company. The names have been changed for privacy, but Adam was also involved day to day, and Brian was a much smaller investor who had gotten in touch to ask a few business related questions.
They had been talking about how the government in a particular state had built a new factory to attract business to the area, and it actually suited their line of business incredibly well. And it saved them millions of dollars and years waiting for it to be built. The business could move right in.
Brian: So amazing that someone built it for us without even knowing we existed.
Brian: Personal question... but do you believe in God? Feel free not to answer.
Adam: Very much! I’m an active Christian and faith is 1st priority in my life.
Brian: So great to hear. Me too.
The beginning of a close relationship which would last the rest of eternity.
Now they mostly talk just spiritual things, building each other up, encouraging each other.
Sharing sermons, books, article links with each other. Praying for each other.
Living out Proverbs 27:17, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another”.
But all because they were both willing to put their faith out there to be seen. And both took the opportunity to say a few little words when it came along.
Like in 2 Kings 5, where the Israelites had been invaded and taken captive by the Syrians.
Naaman was the captain of the Syrian army. A great, powerful, honourable man.
With leprosy!
Naaman had taken a little maiden captive as a servant for his wife.
She said to her mistress, “I wish that my lord were with the prophet who is in Samaria! Then he would heal him of his leprosy.”
Would you have done that? Would you have let him rot?
This was a powerful moment in Bible history. And it hinged on the willingness of a young girl to speak out for her faith in Yahweh.
And she did.
So when Naaman hears about this he’s like, “I’ve tried everything else, ...”
The king of Syria writes a letter to the king of Israel, (who is now under Syria’s control), and told him to get Naaman healed.
The king freaked out, but Elisha, (incredible man of God), tells him to relax, and to send Naaman to visit him at home.
And even then, he doesn’t even answer the door, he sends someone out to Naaman, who passes on the message telling him to go and wash in the Jordan River seven times.
Naaman is furious! He was expecting pomp and ceremony. Loud crying out in public to Yahweh in heaven, hands waving, some kind of dramatic session. And besides, he figured he could wash in better rivers back home in Syria if that was all it takes.
Fortunately his servants, (also Israeli captives?), came and said, “If he had asked you to do some great feat to heal yourself, you would have done it. Why not dip in the Jordan!”
So he does. And he is totally healed of leprosy. His skin is smooth and healthy like a young child’s.
But even more, Naaman now declares, “Now I know that there is no god in all the earth, except in Israel”.
The captain of the most powerful army on the planet, just declared that he knows that Yahweh, the god of Israel, is the only true god.
All because a young slave girl, knowing that her god Yahweh could even heal leprosy, dared to speak up to her non-believer mistress and say so.
Next time you’re in a situation like this, even if you’ve always backed out and kept your mouth shut, take the chance and speak up.
It doesn’t have to be standing preaching on street corners. (In fact I personally think it’s better if it’s not).
It doesn’t have to be in their face.
It just has to be a few little words.