
Revelation 3
Luke 15

because you’re lukewarm, and neither boiling nor cool, I’m about to spew you out of my mouth

I heard an excellent sermon by Mark Driscoll this week.
It was so wonderful to see his passion for Yeshua, and his compassion for his church come shining through.

He’s a boater. So in boating lingo he was saying, you’re either drifting or driving.

If you’re not actively powered up, driving the boat, steering it where it needs to go. Then you’re just drifting.
He was lamenting that so many Christians just drift through their life. And how that might lead to a nasty surprise when they die.
But he was also lamenting that so many churches are drifting through life too.
Not really having an impact. Not willing to stand for the truth of God’s word.
Compromising on things like homosexuality, abortion, gender issues. Wanting too much to be accepted by the world around them.

And I was reminded of that section in Revelation 3, where Yeshua says to the church at Laodicea.
“So then, because you’re lukewarm, and neither boiling nor cool, I’m about to spew you out of my mouth.”

I remember back in the 80’s there was a T-shirt for this verse, which had a guy spewing all over the front of it.
Nicknamed the “Vomit Shirt”. It got people’s attention.

Here’s an AI generated equivalent…

Imagine that’s Yeshua, vomiting out your church. Because it makes him sick how you’re just lukewarm.
He wants you to be on fire for him. He wants you to be 100% for him. And you can barely get up to 20% on a good day.
In fact, he would rather you were 0% for him, than 20%.
Can you believe that?
He would rather your church was a bar!
He would rather you were a non Christian!

One day Yeshua told a story, (Luke 15), about a man who had two sons.
One worked hard on the farm, but the other wanted to go off and enjoy the world. So he demanded his inheritance. Now! And went off and wasted it.
He soaked up all the world had to offer. Wine. Women. Entertainment. (If the story was now, he would probably have bought a fancy car, and spent a lot of time playing the latest video games too).

Is that your church? So worldly you wouldn’t even think it was a church unless you saw the sign, “Such and Such Church” out the front?

But as you probably know, in the end the son got sick of that lifestyle and remembered how good it was back home.
So he humbled himself and went back to beg from his father.
But his father saw him coming and shut the gate in his face and raced out to see him. He welcomed him home with open arms. So happy that his son, whom he loved, was safe and had come back home.

Churches can do that too. So can individuals.
If you realise you’re drifting along, lukewarm, making Yeshua vomit.

Just go to him and let him welcome you back.
He will literally turn your life around.
He will turn your church around.

But you have to live under his roof.
You have to live life his way.
You have to submit to him.

If the world is offended, then it’s offended.
That’s way better than making Yeshua want to vomit. Right?

You’ll have to stop doing some things.
You’ll have to start doing some things.
But this is the life you’re destined for.

Stop drifting aimlessly through life, pretending to be Christian, but being led by the world.

Go home. He’s waiting with open arms.
He still loves you.

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