End Times

Matthew 24
Revelation 3
2 Peter 3
Amos 5
2 Timothy 3
Daniel 12

For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

Read through each chapter.
Ask God to show you what you need to see.
Discuss anything that seems interesting and see where it takes you.
As you read each new chapter, look for common themes, and also discuss how it relates to the others.

And finally ask yourself, “So what?”
Was this just some interesting information? Or is it life changing?
What are you going to do differently from now on?
What choices are you going to need to change?
How is this study going to influence your lifestyle?

How is the world going to be when we get closer to the end times?
Is that how it is now?
Are those things happening around us?
Is that how it was 100 years ago?
How worried should you be?

So what?

Matthew 24
Revelation 3
2 Peter 3
Amos 5
2 Timothy 3
Daniel 12

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