Challenging Issues |
This page is not so much about teaching and doctrine, but just some challenges for your Christian life. |
Why do I always have this nagging anxiety that there is something I should have done, but I didn’t do it? Every hour, 6,000 people die. Where do they go? How committed do I have to be to Yeshua? How much is enough? How can you make change in your life that will last and be satisfying? It’s very dangerous to quote single verses where the context might be misunderstood. How much of the gospel do I need to be able to explain to get into Heaven? Is it ever wrong to rush somewhere in a hurry? Everything isn’t always black and white. In the Bible, famines, disease, drought, were usually caused by God. Don’t you hate it when you do the right thing, but the other guy who selfishly does the wrong thing gets the reward? Islam didn’t come onto the scene until 500 years after Yeshua walked the Earth, but perhaps the Bible isn’t so silent on this rising force in world religious and political circles. What does it mean to be holy? Is it the same as being righteous? When we question and criticise God because of people’s suffering we are revealing a basic misunderstanding of our role (and his)? No battle anywhere in the Bible was ever won by one army having more soldiers. What does that mean for us and the modern church? Your words have power to bless or to curse. Choose wisely. Once they’re out there, they can’t be taken back. What is the world’s impression of Christianity? It’s very easy to jump to conclusions about other people’s motives. But it’s much better to just stick to the facts. Sometimes a relationship has gotten so bad that one person has completely given up hope and just wants to end it. Is there still anything that can be done? Or is it just too late? Accountability, And Why It Doesn’t Work Accountability is a thing now. But it doesn’t work. And there are good Biblical reasons why not. Why do we turn to non-Christians to help us whenever we have a financial crisis in the church? Is there an alternative? Doing what God tells us is nowhere near enough to please him. In fact it shows that we are worthless servants. Why do we pretend that we are not what we are? Why do we hide the real us from other people? Somehow it seems to be in our nature to add ritual to religion. At the cost of relationship. What If You Were a Missionary? What if you were a missionary just arrived to where you live now. How would you do church? There’s No Such Thing as Random We think some things are random, happening by chance. Coincidences. But is that right? The church seems much more focused on uniformity than unity. How about you? There seems to be a lot of suffering and pain in the world. Most of us think that if we were God we would do something to stop it. So why doesn’t God do something? Will you step outside the gate and identify with Jesus, accepting his shame and disgrace? Commercialisation of Christianity It’s bad enough that the Olympics have become all about money. It’s hard to imagine church without Sunday School. Traditions are a big part of modern church life. But should they be? What if our traditions are doing more harm than good? How important is it for Christians to be different from the world around us? Husbands - Are You Sacrificing Yourself? I often hear people teaching about wives and submission. But I don’t hear anyone talking about husbands and sacrifice. Why do we do that and what’s it all about? The story of Les Miserables has a great illustration for us of the difference between a life of law and a life of grace. The difference between a good crop and a poor crop is the quality of the soil. The church has been sent. But is it going? They’re lost. Get it? They can’t find their way here. Your culture colours everything you see. It interprets everything that happens around you. How hard is it to change a church? When you become a Christian it is like you become a beautiful flower that everyone suddenly notices and admires. What kind of eternity should Hitler get? Does the Bible say anything about Global Warming? And what the solution is? Do you have much stuff? How do you gain victory over sin? How bad a sinner are you? With skyrocketing housing prices many Western Christians have become millionaires without doing anything for it. Just by living in their family home for 30 years and paying it off (at the price it was when they bought it). In the West our Christianity is so bound up with our culture that if we were to take Christianity to another country, how would we separate our culture from real Christianity? Gossip has become part of our daily lives. If John 17 is the real “Lord’s Prayer”? Then what is the one we learn to recite as children really saying? Who’s in control of your life? You? How do you respond when people throw rocks at you? Poor people are just lazy. So they deserve it. Why Does a Loving God Allow Evil? If God is loving why does he allow evil? How do we live on a fallen earth as citizens of heaven without becoming one of them? The Bible says that every person on the planet shares at least 20 ancestors in common. Most Christians think they keep the 10 commandments. What is prayer? What should we pray for? “User Pays” is becoming more and more the expectation these days. Things aren’t free any more. The world was secure. Things were good. Global finances were recovering. We had prevented a catastrophe. What do you do when things get too hard? In Noah’s day, everyone was living their life apart from Yahweh. Don’t Forsake Meeting Together Hebrews tells us not to forsake meeting together. Who is your worst enemy? God’s Promise, God’s Way, God’s Time When God makes a promise, it’s very easy for us to help him out by coming up with a way for him to fulfil it. If you were picking a team, who would you choose? When we’re praying for God to “give us a miracle”… what should we do if it’s not happening? Would you torture God? Several stories in the Old Testament show us people who thought they knew better than God about how to do his will. We each have a life. And it’s increasingly part of modern western culture that it’s our life. And nobody else can tell us what we can or can’t do with it. Christians seem so divided. There are so many denominations. So many groups that can’t associate with some other group because they believe some heresy or other. Is the church flirting with the world? Or is she actually cheating on her fiancé, and sleeping around? Christians are all so different. With our swiftly changing culture, and the growing influence of the media, it’s no wonder some Christians are confused about how they should live. But is it as simple as a list of what is allowed and what isn’t. We are being bombarded with the message that we deserve it. Whatever it is, a new phone, a bigger house, a holiday. Feel like everything you earn goes to pay off your house, and there’s never enough left? The church may well soon be completely gone from the Earth. OK, so hopefully you don’t actually go to a witch for advice like Saul did. Don’t Complain About Your Dice It’s so annoying when things just seem to not be going your way. Studying the Bible just to gain knowledge is a waste of your life. Christians have been persecuted throughout history. The Appearance of Righteousness? Who do you know that is righteous? Several times in the New Testament we see where well meaning Christians made decisions for the church, which seemed logical and sensible, but which actually worked against the holy spirit and against Yahweh’s plans for the church. Church gatherings are for Christians to share their connection with God. Kintsugi is a Japanese art form of repairing broken pottery with golden glue. We often hear sermons encouraging people to come forward and make a decision to follow Yeshua. Almost every denomination has begun with a seemingly spirit inspired correction of existing error. But sadly deteriorated to the following of man made rules for who is in and who is out. Churches are big business these days. And especially in Australia, the real-estate of the church is worth a lot of money. How could the Galatians be so dumb! You do not need to be anxious about your life. Not many Christians actually serve Yahweh. It’s not just little old ladies who have too much shopping who need us to come alongside and help them carry things. Is the church flirting with the world? Or is she actually cheating on her fiancé, and sleeping around? None of us in our right mind would usually choose to suffer. Being a shepherd of God’s flock comes with responsibilities. We expect our leaders to be perfect. When they’re not we fire them. Most of us have pretty ordinary lives. What are the gods of this world, and have we let them into our houses? Family photos are always happy, smiling, loving photos. What have you achieved in the last 10 years? Anything? Yeshua said that you can’t put new wine into old wineskins. What is it about rituals that makes us feel like something spiritual is happening? We are so smart these days with all our inventions and our incredible understanding of the universe. Sometimes when we’re suffering we just want to make it through tonight and get to tomorrow. In Nehemiah’s day the wall of Jerusalem needed rebuilding. Life is tough, and for many different reasons it can seem like our future is just endless continuation of the pain we are facing daily. Equality is NOT “we all have the same”. 2,000 years ago Yeshua ripped into the Pharisees for putting the traditions of men in front of the commands of God. Keith Green’s song, “To Obey is Better than Sacrifice” challenges Christians to be full on or don’t bother at all. A story of husks and jars. Of the powerful and valuable contents they contain. What would it take to get your country to turn back to Yahweh? Is it possible for a ministry to reach the end of its life? Why do we constantly want to divide from people who are different from us? Sometimes the little things we say can have big outcomes. |