Something We All Agree On

Romans 2
John 13
John 17

Yeshua never told us to be right, he told us to love one another. He told us to be united.

We all agree that Yahweh is the only actual god right?

And that there are some actions which he considers so bad that they disqualify us from entering Heaven, (where he lives), after we die.

And we honestly can’t say we’re Christian if we don’t believe that Yeshua is his only son.
And that he was the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed. Who was born and lived as a human, and sacrificed himself on our behalf almost 2,000 years ago so that we could be considered righteous and enter Heaven when we die.

But that’s about it, right?

Some people believe in universal atonement - that Yeshua died for every human, regardless of whether they believe in him or not. Whether you lived as a Christian or as a Satanist on this Earth is irrelevant. When you die you go to Heaven. Thank you Yeshua.

Some believe that you only have that future if you believe that Yeshua was who he claimed to be, and that he died on your behalf.

Some believe that you only have that future if you believe that, and you have been baptised in water.

Some believe that you only have that future if you believe that, and you live a “good life” after you realise that.

Some believe that you only have that future if you belong to their particular denomination, and have been baptised into it by them.

Some believe that you only have that future if you belong to their particular denomination, and you are one of the 144,000 hardest working believers.

Yeshua’s last prayer was that we would be united. But sometimes it feels like the only thing we’re united in is our disagreement.
That the only thing we agree on, is that we disagree.

Honestly, we should be ashamed.

Romans 2 talks about how different groups will be judged differently. If they had the Law, they’ll be judged by the Law. If they didn’t, they won’t. We will all be judged, but in the context of what Yahweh had revealed of himself to us.

Whichever group we claim to be in, that’s how we’ll be judged. How did we live, given what we knew of him?
(Not just what we claimed to know of him, but what we actually know, what he has actually shown us).

Some member from a tribe who lived 1,000 years ago in Africa might only be judged on how he responded to the sudden realisation that there must be a god who created this land in which he lives.
Some “enlightened” 21st century intellectual, who has read and studied the Bible in its original languages, but concluded that Yeshua didn’t even exist, or that Mary Magdalene was his wife and that she became divine, might find themselves shocked by the judgement handed down on them.

Yeshua never told us to be right, he told us to love one another. He told us to be united.
But we’re so concerned with whether everyone knows that we are right, that we’re willing to disobey the one thing he told us to do.

There is only one thing which divides us.

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