To Be, Not To Be

Should we be Missional, or Attractional? Should we be Giving, or Making? Should we be Connection, or Entertainment? Should we be God’s Way, or Our Way?

Back in the 1980s John White wrote a challenging little book called “Flirting with the World” in which he called out the church of the day for taking on some of the World’s ways and methods.
The church is the bride of Christ. Effectively we’re his fiancée. So when the church does things the way the World does, instead of the way Yeshua does… we’re kind of flirting with someone while we’re engaged to someone else!
It’s a bit trampy, and pretty disappointing for a girl of our standing.

Our little e-book To Be, Not To Be examines many opposing characteristics of the modern church and asks should we be this or should we be that? Here are the questions:

Should we be Missional, not Attractional

Should we be The Way, not the Destination

Should we be Disciples, not Evangelists

Should we be a Ministry, not a Business

Should we be Holy Spirit, not Marketing

Should we be a Republic, not an Empire

Should we be a Community, not a Download

Should we be Worship, not a Production

Should we be Participants, not Spectators

Should we be Giving, not Making

Should we be a Temple, not a Building

Should we be Hand Outs, not Hands Out

Should we be Discipling, not Socialising

Should we be On a Hill, not Under a Bushel

Should we be a Beacon, not a Soap Box

Should we be In the World, not Of the World

Should we be Salt, not Honey

Should we be Old School, not Old Fashioned

Should we be Spirit Powered, not Soul Powered

Should we be Grace, not Law

Should we be Judging, not Judgemental

Should we be Individuals, not Clones

Should we be Unity, not Uniformity

Should we be Equal, not The Same

Should we be Normal, not Lukewarm

Should we be Meeting, not Attending

Should we be Connection, not Entertainment

Should we be Adopted, not Orphans

Should we be New Testament, not Old Testament

Should we be God, not Culture

Should we be Wild, not a Zoo

Should we be Life, not Liturgy

Should we be Unpredictable, not Same Same

Should we be God’s Way, not Our Way

How does your church stack up on these questions?
Hopefully pretty well.
How about you personally?

How can you help change that?
To make yourself live more the way you should live? With the priorities you should have. And less influenced by the world.
And also to help make your church more the way it should be? Also less influenced by the world.

To Be, Not To Be is free in various formats on Smashwords.

PDF Version