What are You Doing for God?

John 12
Judges 7
Mark 14

Unless the kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit.

Who cares! Not God that’s for sure.

God cares who you are, not what you’re doing.
If who you are is right, what you do will automatically flow from that and it will be right too.
If who you are is wrong, no matter how much you do, it will still not count because it will all be done from the wrong motives.

Stop judging yourself as a Christian by what you do or don’t do for God.
Stop even looking at what you do for God.
And especially stop judging yourself by looking at what other people do for God. Because you have no way to know their motives.

Don Barns, in his book, “Life. God. Me” has a great chapter on this.
I really recommend reading that. You need to realise that Yahweh’s great work in your life is to conform your character to the same as that of his son Yeshua. What you do for him, is of secondary importance, and it can only flow from that transformed character.

Yeshua told us in John 12, “Unless the kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit.”
Life is in the kernel of wheat, but there is a wrapper, a husk, a very hard shell on the outside. And as long as that shell is not split open, the wheat cannot sprout and grow.

Are you willing to die to yourself? To your desires. To what the world values?
Are you willing to let your inner self die, and let Yahweh rebuild it the way he wants?

The question here is not whether there is life within you, but whether your outside shell is cracked open and you’re willing to die.

In Judges we read that Yahweh wanted to save Israel from her enemies, and he wanted Gideon to lead the army to do it.
So Gideon gathered the army.
Yahweh said, “Too many!”.
If Yahweh has a massive army and they defeat a small enemy that doesn’t bring glory to Yahweh, it brings glory to the army. Of course they would win!
But if Yahweh has a tiny army and they defeat a massive enemy that brings glory to Yahweh.
So Gideon sent most of them home.
“Still too many!”
So Gideon sent home all but 300. (Imagine taking on the massive Midianite army with only 300 soldiers).

So the 300 soldiers surrounded the Midianite camp. But swords all tucked away in their holsters. No shields.
Each one had a trumpet in one hand, and and a clay jar in the other. Inside the clay jar was a torch. (But no light was visible because of the jar).
No swords? No shields? Just a trumpet and a clay jar?!
At Gideon’s signal, all 300 blew their trumpets and broke the jars (so the torch could suddenly be seen by the enemy).
They stood in their places with trumpets and torches, and shouting out for Yahweh and Gideon.
You just blasted a trumpet and shone a torch. So the enemy army knows exactly where to run to and kill you.
And you have no sword or shield…
But instead, the enemy panicked!

Normally there is only one trumpeter and a torch bearer for over a hundred soldiers.
The Midianites thought they had been surrounded by more than 30,000 soldiers.
No wonder they panicked. In their panic they actually killed each other with their own swords.
The remainder fled, and were pursued and killed by the Israelites of that area.

But again, the jar had the power inside it. But until the jar was broken it was useless.
Until the jar was broken nobody else could see the power inside.
And only once it was broken the power was released to achieve it’s purpose.

The torch of Yahweh burns inside your heart. But unless you’re willing to be broken, nobody else will ever know. And you will never achieve anything for God.

In Mark 14 we read of Yeshua reclining at a meal at the house of Shimon the Leper. (Shimon the Ex-leper).
And a woman who was there had a jar of perfume, it was very expensive pure nard oil.
She broke the jar and poured all the perfume on Yeshua’s head.
People were outraged. This was 300 denarii of oil. Basically a whole year’s wage. And the alabaster jar was worth a lot too, and now it’s smashed! And it was all wasted on one person!
It should have been sold so we could feed the poor.
But Yeshua saw that it was to anoint him for death.
It’s not what you do, it’s why you do it that counts.
Those who looked on the outside were so self righteous they would have sold the oil to feed the poor. (Seems like a good thing). But then Yeshua wouldn’t have been anointed for burial. Oops.

Again, the perfume, the power, was in a jar. It was valuable. It was powerful. But it was doing nothing while it was sealed in the jar.
It was only when the jar was broken that the power of the perfume was released.

Are you willing to break something you own which might be worth a year’s pay, just to glorify Yeshua?
Or would you rather sell it and feed the poor?
Or even worse, keep it as a treasure that is never used for its purpose, but just makes you look good to those who judge the outside?

You have the Holy Spirit. But he can’t get out and express his power in your life unless you’re willing to be broken.
Let him break you. Let him change your character. Let him rebuild you from the inside out.
And then, finally, you will be useful to Yahweh, and you can actually do something for him which will really count.

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