Acts |
Who, When, Where |
Written by Loukas (Luke). Loukas was a Greek physician and historian. He researched and documented the life of Yeshua, and then joined in on the mission (in Acts 11). |
Summary |
So, kind of Luke 2. Luke left off with Yeshua’s ascension, and Acts picks up from there and tells the story of the first 30 years or so of the church. It is really the Acts of the Holy Spirit since it’s him doing all the work. |
Before You Read |
If I didn’t believe that you were from God, how could you convince me? What could God do through you that I just wouldn’t be able to argue with? |
Key Verses |
Acts 1:8 But you’ll receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you, and you’ll be witnesses to me in both Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the limits of the earth.” This wasn’t a command. It was a prophecy. It was a promise. You will be my witnesses. And they were. I’m not sure where the limits of the earth are… Do you think we’ve got there yet? Acts 2:8 How does each of us hear them in our own language, in which we were born? Tongues is other languages, not just babble. Acts 2:42 And they were devoted to the teaching of the ambassadors, and the partnership, and the breaking of bread, and prayers. When you read this it gives you a particular picture of Christian life in those days. Is that anything like your Christian life? Are you devoted to all those things? Acts 4:19 But Petros and Yohannes answered them, saying, “Whether it’s right in the sight of God to listen to you instead of God - you decide, for we’re not able to not speak about what we’ve seen and heard.” What would you do? If someone threatened you with prison if you didn’t stop following Yeshua? Would you walk away? Or would you accept the price? Acts 4:36-37 And Yoses, who was usually called Barnabas by the ambassadors, (which is translated as Son of Aid), a Levite, and a Cyprian by birth, when he’d sold a field which belonged to him, brought the money and placed it at the feet of the ambassadors. What was the first big thing you did for God? Acts 5 Ananias and Sapphira die for lying to the holy spirit. They gave away half a property. That is very generous. Acts 5:38-39 “And now I say to you, stay away from these people and leave them alone, because if this counsel or work is from people, then it’ll be demolished. But if it’s from God, then you won’t be able to demolish it, otherwise you might even be found to be fighting against God.” Such wise advice. If it’s from people, it will fail. If it’s from God it will succeed even if you oppose it. Acts 6:4 And we’ll be devoted to prayer and to the service of the message. Not that one role is better than another. The men chosen to serve food were very spiritual. But their role was different. Acts 8:1 And on that day a great persecution came upon the assembly in Jerusalem. And they were all dispersed to the regions of Judea and Samaria, In Acts 1:8 Yeshua told them that they would be his witnesses in Jerusalem, and Judea, and Samaria, and the ends of the earth. Acts 11:7-8 And I heard a voice say to me, ‘Get up Petros. Kill and eat.’ But I said, ‘Far be it from me lord. Because nothing common or unclean has ever entered into my mouth.’ Good old Petros. He recognises that this voice is the lord. And says “No”… If God speaks directly to you in a voice from the sky… do what he says :) Acts 11:26 The disciples first took the name Christian in Antioch. Christ is a transliteration of the Greek word christos which means “anointed” or… “the anointed one”. So Christian just means Little Christs, “Little Anointeds” Acts 11:28 Agabus got up and signalled through the spirit that a great famine was about to come on the whole of the inhabited world. And it did. Prophecy is a real thing for Christians. The holy spirit talks directly with us and he does reveal things when we need to know them. Acts 12:15 But they said to her, “You’re mad!” But she insisted strongly that it was so, so they said, “It’s his messenger.” So after years of praying for miracles and seeing them come to be. Petros is arrested, so they gather everyone together to pray. Acts 17:11 And these [Bereans] were more noble than those in Thessalonica - they welcomed the message with all eagerness, and they examined the writings each day to see if they said the same things. Do you know what the Bible says? If someone said, “The Bible says such and such” would you know if they were right? Acts 17:23 For as I passed through and looked closely at your objects of worship I even found a pedestal on which had been inscribed, ‘To an unknown god’. This one of whom you’re not aware, but to whom you’re devout, this is the one I’m declaring to you. We see this over and over in the New Testament. When people, including Yeshua, were talking to people who didn’t know the message of God, they didn’t start with a well rehearsed, same presentation fits everyone, speech. Acts 20:35 … recalling the message of the lord Yeshua, that he himself said, “It’s more blessed to give than to receive.” Do you think so? Acts 21:29 For they had seen Trophimus, the Ephesian, with him in the city, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple. There are quite a few places in the Bible where it says that people made assumptions. In all of them it turned out that they were wrong. |
After You Read |
What verses really stood out to you? |