Lasting Change

Matthew 23
James 1
Matthew 11
Jeremiah 2
Romans 12
2 Kings 5

And don’t be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you discern what the will of God is — good and pleasing and perfect.

Read through each chapter.
Ask God to show you what you need to see.
Discuss anything that seems interesting and see where it takes you.
As you read each new chapter, look for common themes, and also discuss how it relates to the others.

And finally ask yourself, “So what?”
Was this just some interesting information? Or is it life changing?
What are you going to do differently from now on?
What choices are you going to need to change?
How is this study going to influence your lifestyle?

How can you change yourself in a way that will last more than a few weeks?
At what level does God need to be involved in that?
What’s the difference between inner change and the superficial appearance of change?

In what ways are you like Naaman?
Is God’s way of letting him transform you too simple for you?
Do you want to feel like you’re doing some great thing in making the change yourself?

How are you going to the wrong places to change?
Where is the only place you need to go?

Are you yoked together with Yeshua?
Is he leading? Or are you?

What’s the difference between what you do and why you do it?
What does being transformed require from you?
Why would inner change be more permanent and lasting?

So what?

Matthew 23
James 1
Matthew 11
Jeremiah 2
Romans 12
2 Kings 5

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